renewable energy bulp

About Grid-Free Solutions

Founded in 2017

We are committed to expanding the Green Energy presence in Grenada and the wider Eastern Caribbean region. With confidence in our ability to serve a growing customer base, including individuals, corporations, and governments transitioning to renewable energy, we aim to become the leading provider of renewable energy solutions in the Eastern Caribbean. Our mission is to promote sustainable and efficient energy solutions through engineering and technology, addressing today’s socio-economic and energy challenges.

40+ Projects Completed

How Can We Help?


Boost your business's sustainability, reduce operating costs, and enhance your corporate responsibility.


We help you optimize your energy usage, making your home or business more energy-efficient and cost-effective.


We cater to both commercial and residential clients, offering comprehensive maintenance solutions for all.

Energize a Sustainable Tomorrow

Get In Touch

Contact us today to learn more about our services, get a personalized energy assessment, and take the first step toward a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future.

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